8411 a brand that allows you to show the world how you walk and live your life with integrity of God. Standing on knowing that God is your sun who elightens us, our shield he protects us, gives us grace which is his favor and his fruit is his glory.

2 Tone GODFIDENT Hoodie

2 Tone GODFIDENT Hoodie

No matter the color. People will see your GODFIDENT love of God 

Life Habit Tee

Life Habit Tee

The collection that reminds you that you must renew your mind daily... 


    All sweatshirts and tees come with the scripture at the bottom of the apparel. This is there as a reminder to you and to walk with integrity and stand firm on this scripture each and every day.


    - Message behind the shirt.

    - Scriptures related to the shirt.

    - Prayer related to the shirt.

    - Challenge to connect with someone based on the shirt.


    A brand that believes in the power of prayer. 84:11 was started in Prayer & FAITH. If you have any prayer request and you are making a purchase, let us know via email. And we will pray over your apparel before we ship your products to you.